Research on Blockchain Optimization of Supply Chain Financial Warehouse Receipt Pledge Financing Mode
林永民 LIN Yong-min;赵欣 ZHAO Xin;赵德信 ZHAO De-xin
(华北理工大学管理学院,唐山 063210)
(School of Management,North China University of Technology,Tangshan 063210,China)
摘要: 因虚假仓单、重复质押等问题导致仓单质押融资效率低下,区块链技术可有效破解这一难题。本文通过分析传统供应链金融行业中仓单质押融资模式的痛点,提出区块链赋能仓单质押的解决方案。研究表明,区块链通过构建可信可流转的电子仓单,可破解决传统供应链金融行业仓单质押模式下仓储监管难以及信息共享难的困境。本文的研究为区块链赋能仓单质押融资提供了理论依据与借鉴。
Abstract: Due to the problems of false warehouse receipts and repeated pledges, the warehouse receipt pledge financing efficiency is low. Blockchain technology can effectively solve this problem. By analyzing the pain points of the warehouse receipt pledge financing model in the traditional supply chain financial industry, this paper proposes a blockchain-enabled solution for warehouse receipt pledge. Research shows that by building credible and transferable electronic warehouse receipts, the blockchain can solve the difficulties of warehousing supervision and information sharing in the warehouse receipt pledge mode of the traditional supply chain finance industry. The research in this paper provides a theoretical basis and reference for blockchain-enabled warehouse receipt pledge financing.
关键词: 区块链;供应链金融;仓单质押融资
Key words: blockchain;supply chain finance;warehouse receipt pledge financing
中图分类号:F831.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)16-033-03
文章出处:林永民,赵欣,赵德信. 区块链优化供应链金融仓单质押融资模式研究[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(16):33-35.