Analysis of the Tubular Connection Structure of the New Offshore Wind Turbine Tower and Jacket Foundation
张学森① ZHANG Xue-sen;李丹② LI Dan
(①中国广核新能源控股有限公司,北京 100071;②保定建业集团有限公司,保定 071000)
(①China General Nuclear Power New Energy Holdings Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100071,China;
②Baoding Jianye Group Co.,Ltd.,Baoding 071000,China)
摘要: 在海上风电机组的建设中,必须确保海上风电机塔筒与导管架基础的筒式连接结构模式,分析该结构的特点和应用优势。文中基于新型的海上风电机塔筒与导管架基础的筒式连接结构设计分析,探讨风电机组下部的筒塔基座和导管架的结构设计,通过连接筒塔基座与导管架的截面型梁设计,对内部的组成部分进行研究,构建全新的传动机制,提高海上风电机塔筒与导管架基础的筒式连接结构设计的合理性,保障海上风电机组的稳定运行。
Abstract: In the construction of offshore wind turbines, it is necessary to ensure the tubular connection structure mode between the offshore wind turbine tower and the jacket foundation, and analyze the characteristics and application advantages of the structure. In this paper, based on the analysis of the tubular connection structure design of the new type of offshore wind turbine tower and jacket foundation, the structural design of the tower foundation and jacket at the lower part of the wind turbine is discussed. Design, study the internal components, build a new transmission mechanism, improve the rationality of the design of the tubular connection structure between the offshore wind turbine tower and the jacket foundation, and ensure the stable operation of the offshore wind turbine.
关键词: 海上风电机;筒塔;导管架;筒式连接结构
Key words: offshore wind turbine;drum tower;jacket;drum connection structure
中图分类号:TK83 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)16-036-03
文章出处:张学森,李丹. 新型海上风电机塔筒与导管架基础的筒式连接结构分析[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(16):36-38.