Analysis of Project Management Difficulties and Solutions in Non-standard Automation Industry
鹿全礼①② LU Quan-li;宋丽华① SONG Li-hua;刘鲲鹏① LIU Kun-peng;
马晓红① MA Xiao-hong;许志国① XU Zhi-guo;陈纪旸①③ CHEN Ji-yang;
张建成①④ ZHANG Jian-cheng
(①山东正中信息技术股份有限公司,济南 250014;②山东省数字化应用科学研究院,济南 250101;
③山东大学,青岛 266237;④山东省计算中心,济南 250014)
(①Shandong Zhengzhong Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Ji'nan 250014,China;
②Shandong Digital Applied Science Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Ji'nan 250101,China;
③Shandong University,Qingdao 266237,China;
④Shandong Computer Science Center,Ji'nan 250014,China)
Abstract: Non-standard automation projects are proposed for the actual needs of a certain field or specific users, and the management problems between different projects are also different. Therefore, summarizing common management problems from non-standard projects is of great help to improve the management level. This paper mainly analyzes the development status of project management in my country's non-standard automation industry at the current stage, and starts with the five process groups of non-standard automation projects, abstracts and summarizes the common problems that are prone to occur in the process of the project, and points out their causes and hazards. This reminds project managers to avoid such management problems and prompts them to improve their management level, thereby promoting the development of my country's non-standard automation industry.
Key words: non-standard automation equipment;project management;problem analysis
中图分类号:F27;G301;G311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)17-020-04
文章出处:鹿全礼,宋丽华,刘鲲鹏,等. 非标自动化行业项目管理难点及解决对策分析[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(17):20-23.