Current Situation and Countermeasures of Chinese Herbal Medicine Industry Development in Baoji
郝晴晴 HAO Qing-qing
(宝鸡市社科联宝鸡市社会科学院,宝鸡 721004)
(Baoji City Association of Social Sciences Baoji City Academy of Social Sciences,Baoji 721004,China)
摘要: 此研究报告分析了宝鸡中药材的现状,指出了药材发展中的几点问题,主要是劣种驱逐良种,种源品质下降;药农欠缺品牌意识,急于求利;中药材种植方式传统,种类多、面积小,机械化、规范化程度不高,追溯体系尚未建立;医疗保险对中药支持力度有待加强;中药材加工较少,产业链有待延长。为使宝鸡中药材产业更好发展,研究报告提出一些对策建议,包括实施种源保护、研究培育优质种源;抓住关键,宣传引导,树立品牌意识;改进种植方式,规模化、规范化种植;建立追溯体系,让宝鸡药材成为放心药材;加大政策支持力度,扩大中药医保报销范围。
Abstract: This research report analyzes the current situation of Chinese medicinal materials in Baoji, and points out several problems in the development of medicinal materials. The main ones are that inferior varieties drive out good varieties, and the quality of provenance declines; medicinal farmers lack brand awareness and are eager to seek profits; traditional Chinese medicinal materials planting methods, There are many types, small area, low degree of mechanization and standardization, and the traceability system has not been established; the medical insurance support for traditional Chinese medicine needs to be strengthened; the processing of traditional Chinese medicinal materials is less, and the industrial chain needs to be extended. In order to make Baoji Chinese herbal medicine industry develop better, the research report puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, including implementing provenance protection, researching and cultivating high-quality provenances; grasping the key, publicizing and guiding, establishing brand awareness; improving planting methods, large-scale and standardized planting; Establish a traceability system to make Baoji medicinal materials a reliable medicinal material; increase policy support and expand the scope of Chinese medicine medical insurance reimbursement.
关键词: 中药材;种源;追溯;产业链
Key words: Chinese medicinal materials;provenance;traceability;industrial chain
中图分类号:F062.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)18-032-03
文章出处:郝晴晴. 宝鸡中药材产业发展现状及对策建议[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(18):32-34.