Fault Analysis and Handling of High Voltage Power Supply System of CRH380B Series EMUs
(辽宁轨道交通职业学院,沈阳 110023)
(Guidaojiaotong Polytechnic Institute,Shenyang 110023,China)
Abstract: In September 2010, the CRH3-380 EMUs of Tangche and Changke were finalized as the CRH380B series, of which the short-series EMUs were CRH380B. By the end of 2015, the total number of trains exceeded 200; while the long-series EMUs were CRH380BL, with a total of 115 List. All are 350Km/h class EMUs. This paper mainly focuses on the failure phenomenon of the high-voltage power supply system in the operation of the CRH380B and CRH380BL EMUs to analyze the causes and precautions for troubleshooting, so that the EMU drivers can find the corresponding solutions to the emergency failures during the operation of the EMUs, so as to ensure the train high-speed, safe and punctual operation.
Key words: high-voltage power supply system;fault phenomenon;cause analysis;matters needing attention;treatment method
中图分类号:U223 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)18-104-04
文章出处:姜宇. CRH380B系列动车组高压供电系统的故障分析处理[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(18):104-107.