Common Risk Management of Construction Projects
关普阳 GUAN Pu-yang
(内蒙古科技大学,包头 014010)
(Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010,China)
摘要: 在建设工程项目的实施过程中经常会遇到影响项目目标实现的事项,这些事项就称之为工程风险。为了项目的顺利实施,对建设工程项目风险管理进行深入研究就具有了积极的意义,在研究的过程中,首先要进行风险识别,之后对识别到的内容进行风险评价分析,最后对其进行控制。
Abstract: During the implementation of construction projects, there are often issues that affect the realization of project objectives, and these issues are called engineering risks. For the smooth implementation of the project, it is of positive significance to conduct in-depth research on the risk management of construction projects. In the process of research, we must first carry out risk identification, then carry out risk evaluation and analysis on the identified content, and finally control it.
关键词: 建设工程;工程风险;风险识别;风险评价分析
Key words: construction engineering;engineering risk;risk identification;risk evaluation and analysis
中图分类号:TU714 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)20-022-04
文章出处:关普阳. 建设工程项目常见风险管理[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(20):22-25.