Research on Influencing Factors of Estimated Estimates of Photovoltaic Power Generation Projects
徐子亮① XU Zi-liang;代巍② DAI Wei
(①中广核新能源投资(深圳)有限公司西藏分公司,拉萨 850000;②北京卓建国际建筑设计有限公司,北京 100089)
(①Tibet Branch of CGN New Energy Investment (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.,Lhasa 850000,China;
②Beijing Zhuojian International Architectural Design Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100089,China)
摘要:在光伏发电工程初步设计概算过程中,为了有效节约工程成本,必须着重考虑光伏发电工程初步设计概算的影响因素。本文主要分析了光伏发电工程初步设计概算影响因素,并提出了促进光伏发电工程初步设计概算合理性的有效措施。文章通过对辽宁义县高台子镇 20MWp 光伏农业大棚发电项目与辽宁凌源小城子镇20MW农业大棚光伏发电项目分析光伏发电项目设计概算编制对比,对光伏发电项目设计概算影响因素进行研究提出了进一步的改进与深化的意见,供相关编制人员参考。
Abstract: In the process of preliminary design and estimation of photovoltaic power generation projects, in order to effectively save project costs, it is necessary to focus on the factors affecting the preliminary design and budget of photovoltaic power generation projects. This paper mainly analyzes the influencing factors of the preliminary design estimates of photovoltaic power generation projects, and proposes effective measures to promote the rationality of the preliminary design estimates of photovoltaic power generation projects. This paper analyzes and compares the design budget of the photovoltaic power generation project between the 20MWp photovoltaic agricultural greenhouse power generation project in Gaotaizi Town, Yixian County, Liaoning Province and the 20MW agricultural greenhouse photovoltaic power generation project in Xiaochengzi Town, Lingyuan, Liaoning Province. The suggestions for improvement and deepening are provided for the reference of relevant compilers.
Key words: photovoltaic power generation project;design budget;influencing factors
中图分类号: TM615 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)20-092-04
文章出处:徐子亮,代巍. 光伏发电工程设计概算影响因素研究[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(20):92-95.