Study on Safety Risk Control of Unconventional Dangerous Operation at Port Container Terminal
黄文栋① HUANG Wen-dong;王果密② WANG Guo-mi;陈全② CHEN Quan
(①天津港股份有限公司,天津 300461;②天津理工大学环境科学与安全工程学院,天津 300384)
(①Tianjin Port Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300461,China;
②School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China)
摘要: 为强化对港口集装箱码头企业非常规危险性作业及特殊作业安全风险管控的标准化、规范化建设,笔者借鉴国内外非常规作业划分的原理及方法,结合风险矩阵评价法识别出T港口集装箱码头非常规危险性作业种类及特殊作业种类,并研究得出港口集装箱码头非常规危险性作业及特殊作业安全风险管控原理和方法。实践表明,基于此项研究构建的港口集装箱码头非常规危险性作业安全风险管控体系,促进了集装箱码头企业安全管理水平的提升。
Abstract: In order to strengthen the standardization and standardization of the risk control and special operation, the author draws on the principle and method of the risk matrix evaluation method to identify the T port container terminal unconventional risk operation type and special operation type, and study the port container terminal unconventional risk operation and special operation safety risk control principle and methods. Practice shows that the safety risk control system of unconventional dangerous port container terminal operation constructed based on this research promotes the improvement of the safety management level of container terminal enterprises.
关键词: 集装箱码头;风险矩阵评价法;非常规危险性作业;特殊作业;风险管控
Key words: container terminal;risk matrix evaluation method;unconventional hazardous operations;special operations;risk control
中图分类号:X9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)21-001-05
文章出处:黄文栋,王果密,陈全. 港口集装箱码头非常规危险性作业安全风险管控研究[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(21):1-5.