Research on the Relationship between Foreign Trade and Economic Development in Tianjin
朱昌昊 ZHU Chang-hao
(安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院,蚌埠 233030)
(School of Statistics and Applied Mathematics,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
摘要: 2021年是新中国成立的72周年,经过70多年的奋斗与实践,天津市的经济发展取了得巨大成就。同时,随着经济全球化、贸易一体化进程的加快,天津积极响应国家号召,大力发展对外贸易,在对外贸易方面也取得了较大的发展。文章对天津市对外贸易情况和经济发展状况进行了分析得出结论,并提出相关建议为天津市的对外贸易发展提供一定的指导。
Abstract: 2021 is the 72nd anniversary of the founding of New China. After more than 70 years of struggle and practice, Tianjin has made great achievements in economic development. At the same time, with the acceleration of economic globalization and trade integration, Tianjin actively responded to the call of the state, vigorously developed foreign trade, and achieved great development in foreign trade. The article analyzes Tianjin's foreign trade and economic development and draws conclusions, and puts forward relevant suggestions to provide some guidance for Tianjin's foreign trade development.
关键词: 对外贸易;经济发展;自回归模型;脉冲响应函数
Key words: foreign trade;economic development;autoregressive model;impulse response function
中图分类号:F120.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)21-049-04
文章出处:朱昌昊. 天津市对外贸易与经济发展关系的研究[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(21):49-52.