Research and Analysis on Key Technologies of Suspension Bridge Construction in Mountainous Areas
刘文敏 LIU Wen-min;徐弘扬 XU Hong-yang
(云南云岭公大公路工程有限公司,昆明 650500)
(Yunnan Yunling Gongda Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650500,China)
摘要: 随着十四五规划的进行,新一轮的交通基建发展正在进行,悬索桥因其较为优越的跨越能力和受力性能,逐渐成为山区跨越较大河流的优先桥型。但由于悬索桥本身为柔性结构,在进行施工时,对于其施工阶段的受力控制难度较大,且其施工的临时措施和工序均较多,难以保证其在成桥后的线性和受力与设计一致。因此有必要对其在施工过程中的关键施工技术进行分析。
Abstract: With the progress of the 14th Five-Year Plan, a new round of transportation infrastructure development is underway. Suspension bridges have gradually become the preferred bridge type for crossing larger rivers in mountainous areas due to their superior spanning capacity and mechanical performance. However, since the suspension bridge itself is a flexible structure, it is difficult to control the force in the construction stage during construction, and there are many temporary measures and procedures for its construction, so it is difficult to ensure its linearity and force after the bridge is completed. The design is consistent. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the key construction technology in the construction process.
关键词: 悬索桥;主塔;主缆;施工技术
Key words: suspension bridge;main tower;main cable;construction technology
中图分类号:U448.25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)21-100-03
文章出处:刘文敏,徐弘扬. 山区悬索桥施工关键技术研究分析[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(21):100-102.