Structure and Mechanism of Collaborative Innovation Ecosystem of Manufacturing SMEs
鲍仲辅 BAO Zhong-fu
(广东机电职业技术学院,广州 510515)
(Guangdong Mechanical & Electrical Polytechnic,Guangzhou 510515,China)
摘要: 针对制造业中小企业限于规模有限,难以构建完整的创新组织体系,难以获取充足的创新资源,难以承担较高的创新技术成本与风险等问题,本文基于生态系统视角构建制造业中小企业系统创新生态系统,通过分析系统的结构构建协同创新系统运行机制。
Abstract: In view of the limited scale of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises, it is difficult to build a complete innovation organization system, obtain sufficient innovation resources, and bear high innovation technology costs and risks. This paper constructs a manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprise system innovation ecosystem from the perspective of ecosystem, and deepen the understanding of the operation mechanism of collaborative innovation system by analyzing the structure of the system.
关键词: 制造业中小企业;协同创新;生态系统
Key words: manufacturing SMEs;collaborative innovation;innovation ecosystem
中图分类号:F276.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2022)24-001-03
文章出处:鲍仲辅. 制造业中小企业协同创新生态系统的结构与机制[J]. 价值工程,2022,41(24):1-3.