Analysis of the Impact of the Scale of Co-built Structures with Subways on the Seismic Response
of Subway Stations
陶连金TAO Lian-jin;霍津 HUO Jin;石城 SHI Cheng;史明 SHI Ming
( Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Urban and Engineering Safety and Disaster Reduction, Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
Abstract: Various forms of integrated subway stations have achieved intensive utilization of land resources, but the interaction betweensubway stations and co built structures has also added complexity to seismic analysis. To study the impact of co built structures on theseismic response of subway stations, an integrated finite element model of a single subway station with different co built structure scales wasestablished The differenees in seismie response were compared. The results showed that the presence of co bult struetures magnified thedeformation of the integrated area of the station and reduced the deformation of the non integrated area. The co construction structurereduces the peak internal force of subway stations. The intersection node between the eantilever span and the station side wall is constrainedby the co built structure, resulting in reduced deformation but increased bending moment. By increasing the scale of co constructionstructures, the impact on subway stations has further inereased, but their growth rate has deereased. When designing the structure,reinforcement should be applied to the integrated area and nodes of the station. The above analysis provides a basis for the seismic design oflarge-scale transportation hub integrated subway stations.
Key words: integrated subway station structure; earthquake response; numerical simulation