Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Spartina Alterniflora in Yellow River Delta
刘煜璇①LIU Yu-xuan;左娜②ZUO Na;尹作堂①YIN Zuo-tang;赵民③ZHAO Min
(①College of Geography and Environment,Shandong Normal University,Ji'nan 250358,China;
②School of Geography and 'Tourism,Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119,China;
③Ji'nan Geotechnical Investigation and Surveying Research Institute,Ji'nan 250101,China)
摘要:为对黄河三角洲互花米草时空变化开展分析,本文基于2000年.2010年和2020年Iandsat 影像,选用空间域图像增强方法和基于知识的决策树分类等对黄河三角洲互花米草信息进行监测并分析研究结果表明,2000-2020年黄河三角洲互花米草入侵面积分别为1081.5、1992.6和8697.5公顷;在空间上,从碎片化零星分布逐渐扩散为连片生长的空间格局。
Abstract: In onder to analyze the temporal and spatial changes of Spartina altemiflora in Yellow River Delta,based on Landsat imagesin 2000,2010 and 2020, this paper used spatial domain image enhancement and decision tree clssification to monitor and analyze Spartinaalterniflora information in Yellow River Delta.The results showed that the invasive areas of Spatina altermiflora in Yellow River Dela from2000 to 2020 were 1081.5 hectares,1992.6 hectares and 8697.5 hectares,respectively. In space, it gradually difused from the scattereddistribution of fragmentation to the spatial pattern of continuous growth.
Key words: Yellow River Delta; spartina alterniflora; remote sensing image classification