Development of Aero Engine Fan Performance Test Techniques
甘露GAN Lu
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200241 , China
Abstract: lt is of great significance for the validation of high-bypass-ratio(HBR) fan aerodlynamic design to improve fan aerodlynamicperformance test techniques. To improve the domestic aero engine fan performance test techniques and measurement techmology , theresearch on aero engine fan performance test technology was caried out, the development status of domestic and foreign aero engine fanpeformance test and measurement technology was arranged, and the development status of fan performance test standard was analyzedl, thedevelopment thinking of fan test and measurement technology is put forwardl. The technology promotion from the aspects of tes.measurement and test system is advocated.And the capability of aero engine fan performance test and measurement are comprehensivelyimproved,together with the level of fan development.
Key words: aero engine; axial fan; performance; test techniques; measurement technology