Study on Construction Technology of Cement Mixing Pile Foundation Treatment in Qiaoxiao Expressway
刘磊LIU Lei;李湘华LI Xiang-hua;毛智伟MAO Zhi-wei
( Hubei Provincial Road & Bridge Group Co., Lld.,Wuhan 430056,China )
Abstract:Cement mixing pile is an efective form of soft foundation treatment, which is a malerial that uses cement as a curing agent.The cement slury is sprayed into the soil using a mixing pile machine and thoroughly mixed evenly, causing a series of reactions betweenthe cement and the soil, consolidating the softsoil, forming a cement soil pile with integrity, walter stability, and a certain strength, therebyimproving the strength of the foundation. The article discusses the design, pile, and pile quality inspection of the(Qiaoxiao Expressway, and provides a detailed introduction to the application status and key technology control of cement mixing piles infoundation treatment construction.This improves the pile quality of cement mixing piles and achieves technical research results.
Key words: cement mixing pile; test pile; key technologies; bearing capacity of composite foundation