Study on Reinforcement Technology of Pile Foundation of an Active Highway Bridge
刘国生LIU Guo-sheng
(福建省交建集团工程有限公司,厦门361000 )
( Fujian Communications Construction Group Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361000,China )
Abstract: Based on the engineering background of an active highway bridge,the curent condition of pile foundation engineering is detected, and the causes of its diseases are analyzed. Finally, feasible measures for strengthening pile foundation are put forward.The resulsshow that the main diseases of the bhridge pile foundation are serious erosion, exposed steel bas and local hollowing. The new pilefoundation and cap, pile foundation and column are strengthened by increasing the section of the pile foundation, and the jack reversepressure technology is used to make the new pile foundation and the old bridge pile foundation jointly stressed to form the pile group capfoundation. 'The technology improves the safety reserve of the bearing capacity of pile foundation,optimizes the
stress state of pile group foundation,and ensures the structural stress safety.
Key words: highway bridges; pile foundation; disease detection; reinforcement technology
价值工程-文章出处:刘国生.某现役公路桥梁桩基加固技术研究[J].价值工程,2023,42(19):109-111. |