Research on Energy Governance of Resource-based Cities under the Background of "Dual Carbon":
Take Yulin City as an Example
荀明俐XUN Ming-li;梁淑烨LIANG Shu-ye
(东北石油大学人文科学学院,大庆163318 )
( College of Human Sciences ,Northeast Petroleum University , Daqing 163318,China )
Abstract: Under the background of "dual carbon " , low-carbon transformation in the energy field is acelerated, and resource-basedcities,as strategic places of energy resources in China,will face new problems in the field of enery govermnance.Yulin is a coal-basetresource-based city, and under the constraints of "dual carbon" background, a long-lterm mechanism for promoting low-cartbon energytransformation has not yet been formed, and there are poblems such as insuficient power for low-carbon energy development. insuficientimplementation and supervision mechanism for low-carbon energy transformation, and imperfect enery science and technology imnovationmechanism. These problems stem from the alienation of govemnment responsilities due to economic performance, the lack of overalgovernance awareness, the lack of energy supervision and services, and the traditional extensive development thinking that constrains enerytechnology innovation. In this regand, the Yulin municipal govemment needs to comply with the essence of "dual carbon" , establish strategirthinking on green and low-carbon energy transformation, optimize supervision and services in energy transition govermance, and improve thetechnological innovation mechanism to promote low-carbon energy transformation.
Key words: "dual carbon"; energy governance; resource-based cities; governance studies
价值工程-文章出处:荀明俐,梁淑烨.“双碳”背景下资源型城市能源治理问题研究——以榆林市为例[J].价值工程,2023,42(20):16-18. |