An Empirical Study on the Contribution of Mining Industry's Financial Capability to Corporate Value
赵敬朋① ZHAO Jing-peng;李清② LI Qing
(①石家庄学院财务处,石家庄 050035;②武安市武安镇政府,邯郸 056300)
(①Finance Department,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang 050035,China;
② Wuan Town Government,Handan 056300,China)
Abstract: "Industrial financial integration" is an important means for enterprises to realize value enhancement, and the interaction between business and finance needs further empirical tests. This article takes the listed companies in the mining industry as the research object, and establishes a multiple regression model to correlate the overall financial ability with the Tobin Q that represents the company's value, and conducts a robustness test to find out the impact on the mining industry's corporate value. Larger financial indicators, as a starting point for relevant financial decisions, in order to promote the sustainable and steady development of such enterprises.
Key words: financial ability;corporate value;mining industry;empirical test
中图分类号:F253.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2018)26-0001-03
文章出处:赵敬朋;李清.采矿业财务能力对企业价值贡献的实证研究【J】价值工程.2018-09-18 |