Research on the Balance of Mass Customization of Information Service Product Based on Cost:
Take Software Development as an Example
胡翠红HU Cui-hong
( School of Economics and Management,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China )
Abstract: To meet the customer's personalized demand and large scale manufacturing is an important factor to measure the quaity andbeneft of service in the information service field. Both of them have natural contradliction.So how to achieve some kind of balance becomesthe key problem to improve the information service ability. From the point of view of cost and beneit, this paper makes an in-depth studyon the balance of information service and personalized customization, and further proposes a specific algorithm for maximizing the marginalmargin for the search for the best mass customization.
Key words: cost; mass customization; balance; software
价值工程-文章出处:胡翠红.基于成本视角的信息服务产品大规模定制的平衡研究——以软件开发为例[J].价值工程,2023,42(21):1-3. |