Analysis on Key Factors to Integrated Clustering Development of Strategic Emerging Industries
梁辰LIANG Chen;王佳一WANG Jia-yi
( School of Information and Business Management,Dalian Neusoft University of lnformation,Dalian 116023,China )
Abstract: The development of integrated clusters of strategic emerging industries is conducive to buildig new growth engines andplays a significant leading and driving role in the overall and long-term development of Chinma's economy and swciety. To enhance thedevelopment of strategic new industry clusters, we must first clarify the key factors. To this end, the studly adopts the Decision-making Trialand Evaluation Iaboratory Method(DEMATEIL) to conduct an in-depth analysis of the relevant inluencing factors. The resuls show that thekey factors influencing the development of strategic emerging indlustry clusters are indlustrial structure upgraling and optimization.apgregation of new production factors,transformation of achievements and innovative applications,expansion of open coperation andfinancial support.
Key words: strategic emerging industries; integrated clustering development;key factors; decision -making tral anmd evaluationlaboratory method