Research on the Competency Evaluation of Production Skilled Personnel in Urban Gas Enterprises
赵亮①ZHAO Liang;梁蕊②LIANG Rui;高盼③GAO Pan
①北京控股集团有限公司,北京100023 ;
③北京北燃供热有限公司,北京100023 )
①Beijing Enterprises Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100023 ,China;
②Beijing GAS 4th Branch ,Beijing 100176,China;
③Beijing Beiran Heating Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100023,China
摘要:本文构建了城市燃气企业生产技能人员胜任能力评价指标体系,基于G1赋权法和模糊综合评价法构建了城市燃气企业生产技能人员胜任能力评价模型,并抽取 BJRQSF公司生产技能人员进行了案例应用研究。
Abstract: The paper constructs a compelency evaluation index system for production skilled personnel in urban gas enltemprises. And itconstructs a competency evaluation model for production skilled persomnel in urban gas enterprises based on Gl weighting method andl furycomprehensive evaluation method. Then it selected one production skilled personnel from BJRQSF company to carry on a case applicationresearch.
Key words: urban gas enterprises; production skilled personnel; competency;Gl weighting method;fhuzry comprehensive evaluationmethod
价值工程-文章出处:赵亮,梁蕊,高盼.城市燃气企业生产技能人员胜任能力评价研究[J].价值工程,2023,42(22):37-39. |