Research on Guangdong Promoting Regional Synergy and Factors Circulation in Pan Pearl River Delta under the New Development Paradigm
杨韵YANG Yun
( Business School ,Shunde Polytechnic , Foshan 528333,China)
Abstract: In the process of buildig a new development patterm with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic andintermational double circulation promoting each other, promoting the free flow of factors is the core, and strengthening regional economiccooperation is an important entry point. As the strongest economic province in the Pan Pearl River Delta,Cuangdong is not only a factorgathering center, but also a source of economic power,playing a role as a growth pole in the Pan Pearl River Delta region.From theperspective of production factors and industrial stnicture, the empirical analysis shows that the economic radiation driving mechanism ofGuangdong Province to the Pan Pearl River Delta region should focus on the gathering and allocation of natural resources, labor,capitaltechnology and other factors, give play to its regional advantages in manufacturing.wholesale and retail and financial industries,promoteindustrial transfer and optimize the industrial chain structure, and form a complete industrial chain in the Pan Pearl River Delta regionTechnology difusion chain and market division chain. Research and put forward four policy suggestions of "govemment driven, market led"to guide and promote the regional flow of production factors, develop and expand the scale of real economy, enhance the function of factoraggregation and allocation, and strengthen the construction of regional channel system to enhance the effect of agglomeration and dfusion.
Key words: new development paradigm;Guangdong; pan pearl river delta; regional synergy;factors circulation
价值工程-文章出处:杨韵.新发展格局下广东引领泛珠三角区域经济发展与要素流通研究[J].价值工程,2023,42(22):81-83. |