Research on Risk Management of Renovation of Old Hotel Buildings
李利军①LI Li-jun;王宇轩②WANG Yu-xuan
(①石家庄铁道大学经法学院,石家庄 050043;②石家庄铁道大学管理学院,石家庄 050043)
(①School of Economics and Law,Shijiazhuang Tiedao University,Shijiazhuang 050043,China;②School of Management,Shijiazhuang Tiedao University,Shijiazhuang 050043,China)
摘要:酒店作为公共建筑,一旦发生安全事故很有可能造成重大的人员伤亡和财产损失。安全事故种类众多,本文选取坍塌、火灾两个可能造成大规模人员伤亡的事故类型进行分析。本文通过事故树分析法分析事故原因,结合经验和相关材料列出了 28 个基本事件,通过计算结构重要度系数,将 28 个基本事件对顶上事件的影响程度分为 9 类,并结合最小割集、最小径集、结构重要度系数给出了相应的措施及建议。
Abstract: As a public building, hotels are likely to cause significant casualties and property damage in the event of a safety accident.There are many types of safety accidents, and this article selects collapse and fire as two types of accidents that may cause large-scale casualties for analysis. This article analyzes the causes of accidents using the fault tree analysis method, and lists 28 basic events based on experience and relevant materials. By calculating the structural importance coefficient, the impact of the 28 basic events on the top event is divided into 9 categories. Corresponding measures and suggestions are given based on the minimum cut set, minimum path set, and structural importance coefficient.
Key words: hotel building;rebuild;risk management;FTA;measures
中图分类号:TU714 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2024)26-001-03 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-4311.2024.26.001