Research on the Technology and Method of Measuring the Flatness of Rural Highways
顾凯锋 GU Kai-feng
(浙江交通职业技术学院,杭州 311112)
(Zhejiang Institute of Communications,Hangzhou 311112,China)
摘要:针对农村公路平整度检测存在国际平整度指数(IRI)一致性差、IRI 与路况经验感受不一致的现象,开展转弯及急变速情况下平整度测值准确性方法研究。IRI 国际平整度指数由路面的相对纵断面高程计算获得。惯性基准断面检测原理就是基于激光位移传感器和加速度计组合的方式获取路面相对纵断面高程的,转弯及急变速情况下为保证测值的准确性需采用有效的惯性断面高程误差补偿技术来消除加速度计产生的累计漂移误差。
Abstract: In response to the poor consistency of the International Roughness Index (IRI) and the inconsistency between IRI and road experience in rural road smoothness testing, a study was conducted on the accuracy method of smoothness measurement under turning and sudden speed changes. The IRI International Roughness Index is calculated from the relative longitudinal elevation of the road surface. The principle of inertial reference section detection is based on the combination of laser displacement sensors and accelerometers to obtain the relative longitudinal section elevation of the road surface. In order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement values in turning and sudden speed changes, effective inertial section elevation error compensation technology needs to be adopted to eliminate the cumulative drift error generated by the accelerometer.
Key words: rural roads;flatness;road conditions
中图分类号:U416.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2024)26-017-03 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-4311.2024.26.006