Optimization Study on Consumption Reduction and Production Increase of Cement Roller Press Combined Grinding System
严俊 YAN Jun
(江苏三江水泥制造有限公司,靖江 214500)
(Jiangsu Sanjiang Cement Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,Jingjiang 214500,China)
摘要:为了实现水泥辊压机联合粉磨系统的降耗增产,对辊压机预粉磨系统、V 型选粉机、选粉机布料均匀性等进行了优化,并对比分析了系统设备改造前后的各项运行参数,研究结果表明:通过各项优化措施,能够提高料饼的质量、V 型选粉机的分选效率;水泥磨机的生产能力提升近 10t/h,并且使粉磨机运行电流和总装载量分别下降了 10A 和 17t,台时增加了 20t/h,可以有效管控粉磨机四个下料口物料投放均匀性,与改进前相比选粉效率提升了约 15%,降低了系统设备的能耗,增大了磨机台时。
Abstract: In order to reduce consumption and increase production of the cement roller press combined grinding system, optimization was carried out on the pre grinding system of the roller press, the V-shaped powder selector, and the uniformity of the material distribution of the powder selector. Various operating parameters before and after the system equipment transformation were compared and analyzed. The research results showed that through various optimization measures, the quality of the material cake and the sorting efficiency of the Vshaped powder selector can be improved. The production capacity of the cement mill has increased by nearly 10t/h, and the operating current and total load of the powder mill have decreased by 10A and 17t, respectively. The unit hour has increased by 20t/h. This can effectively control the uniformity of material feeding at the four feeding ports of the powder mill. Compared with before improvement, the powder selection efficiency has increased by about 15%, reducing the energy consumption of the system equipment and increasing the unit hour of the mill.
Key words: cement roller press combined grinding system;reduce consumption and increase production;operating parameters;
operating current
中图分类号:TQ172.6+3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2024)26-030-03 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-4311.2024.26.010