Research on the Operation Optimization of Fresh Agricultural Products Electronic Commerce Based on
Lean Production Technology
陈沁 CHEN Qin
(兰州工业学院,兰州 730050)
(Lanzhou Institute of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)
Abstract: In view of the problem that short time of creation, weak operation and management ability of Electronic commerce for fresh agricultural products, we put forward the strategy of lean operation on it by using Japanese Toyota production system to eliminate all waste in the operation process and improve the operation efficiency and reduce operating costs of Electronic commerce for fresh agricultural products. This paper puts forward the operation optimization of Electronic commerce for fresh agricultural products such as standardization, visualization, equalization and Just-in-Time. It is analyzed and explained by case.
Key words: lean production;fresh agricultural products;Electronic commerce;operation;optimization
中图分类号:F724.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)10-0082-03
文章出处:陈沁.精益生产技术对生鲜电商的运营优化研究【J】价值工程.2017-04-08. |