Stability Evaluation of the Photovoltaic Array Area on Shenjin Road
杨建强 YANG Jian-qiang
(中煤科工生态环境科技有限公司,北京 100013)
(China Coal Science & Technology Ecological Environment Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100013,China)
摘要:神锦路光伏阵列区选址拟在煤矿采空区上部,需开展场地下伏采空区稳定性及承载力评价。本文通过采空区上方地表调查、地表变形规律研究、综采采空区移动变形预测等方法对场地稳定性进行分析,并对场地适宜性进行评价,结果表明,评价区为不稳定区,未来不稳定区位于 431 盘区 431310-431314 工作面上部,预计开采时间为 2029 至 2034 年。即受影响区域在开采期间及滞后 1年内属于不稳定区;综合评价认为,工程建设对未来采空区稳定性影响程度小。
Abstract: The location of the photovoltaic array area on Shenjin Road is planned to be in the upper part of the coal mine goaf, and an evaluation of the stability and bearing capacity of the underlying goaf area needs to be carried out. This article analyzes the stability of the site through surface investigation above the goaf, research on surface deformation laws, and prediction of movement and deformation in the fully mechanized goaf. The suitability of the site is evaluated, and the results show that the evaluation area is an unstable area. The unstable area will be located in the upper part of the 431310-43134 working face in the 431 panel area in the future, and the expected mining time is from 2029 to 2034. The affected area belongs to an unstable zone during the mining period and within one year of delay. According to the comprehensive evaluation, the impact of engineering construction on the stability of the future goaf is relatively small.
Key words: goaf;surface deformation;stability analysis;suitability evaluation
中图分类号:TD325 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2024)28-010-04 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-4311.2024.28.004